Tuesday, January 12, 2016

The Stranger Next Door

Buena Vista, Colorado. One of the safest places in the state. Living here is nice and easy. At least that’s what I thought until the worst experience in my life happened. It was like any other day until I noticed someone was moving in next door. I went to say hi to him.

“Hey new neighbor, how’s it going? I asked.
“It’s going pretty good, my name’s John.” he replied.
“My name’s Brian.”

We started chitchatting for a little bit but then I had to go to work. I told him he should stop by sometime for some coffee. He said sure and then I got in my car and went to work. By the time I got home I was too tired to do anything so I just took a shower then went to bed. I wake up at 5:00 in the morning everyday. I put on the news while making breakfast. It was same ol’ same ol’ until I heard something extremely disturbing. A woman had been found dead by the river. She had been missing for several days and the police had no clues to go one because the murder had happened elsewhere and the body had been moved. I don’t know why I was so shocked, maybe it was just because something like that had never happened near where I lived. I changed the channel and just told myself to not think about it. I stopped by the new neighbors house to see if he wanted to come over for some coffee, but when I knocked and didn’t get a reply I figured he was just still sleeping.

I couldn’t focus at work, just thinking about if that happened to me. I got home from work pretty early so I knocked on John's door again but there still wasn’t an answer. I wonder what’s going on. I tried to go to sleep but I had one of the hardest times I’ve ever had. I woke up the next morning and it already happened again. 3 more people were found dead. The whole town was freaking out. I didn’t go to work today because I felt awful. I laid on my couch and just watched T.V. for a little bit. Around noon there was a knock on the door. I answered and to my surprise it was John.

“Hey man, what’s up?”
“Oh hey John, I’m doing alright just feeling a bit ill.”
“I’m sorry, should I come back some other time?”
“No you’re fine come on in.”
“Thanks, I have some soup at my house if you want some.”
“Okay yeah sure I haven’t eaten in awhile.”

We ate some of his homemade soup and went into the living room and started watching some football. All of this sudden I started feeling really light headed then I passed out. When I woke up I was no longer in my living room. I had no clue where I was. Then, a figure appeared out of the shadows.

“Where am I?” I asked the man
“Well Brian, you’re in my basement.” he replied.

I knew it was John as soon as he spoke.

“What are you gonna do with me?”
“I’m gonna murder you just like I did to those four other people.
“Why? Why would you do this?”
“Because I feel like it.”

I started begging him to let me go, but he just started walking back upstairs. He told me he'd be back in a little bit. On his way back up I asked him a question.
"How many." I asked.
"How many what?"
"How many people have you killed in total?"
"Honestly, I lost count."

When he said that, I felt like I wanted to hurt him. I wanted to hurt him real badly. After a minute of me not saying anything, he smiled and continued to walk back upstairs. I was frozen for a minute. there were so many thoughts flying through my head I could hardly breathe. After a couple of minutes, I got myself together, and knew that I needed to find a way out of this hellhole. I looked around but didn't see anything that could help me get these ropes off. Then, I realized the chair I was sitting on was made of old rickety wood. That's when I knew the only chance of me getting out of here lied on whether this chair was breakable or not.

So, using all the strength I had, I started to rock the chair back and forth. The chair got enough momentum to where my feet could touch the ground. I used all of my leg strength to get as much air as I could and tilted back. The chair actually broke! At that moment I felt that there was a tiny bit of hope of me living. I got the ropes off me, and started looking for a way to escape. After looking for a while, there was only one way out of the basement, which was the door to the house. I started making my way up the stairs as quietly as I could.

When I got to the top, the door was unlocked. I thought that was extremely strange. I wouldn't have expected an experienced killer to do something like that. I opened the door and a god awful smell smacked me in the face. As I walked through the house to the front door the putrid smell was getting stronger and stronger. I got to the front door but it was locked on both sides. I needed the key. I stood there for a second and while I was standing there I noticed there wasn't any sound. Not one single sound at all. I had no idea what to do. Then, out of nowhere I heard a very loud pop. I was almost certain that it was a gunshot. I started running towards the sound. Why would I do something extremely stupid like that? To this day I still don't know why. Tuns out the sound came from right where I started, the basement. I opened the door and slowly walked down the stairs. On my way down I noticed a gun and picked it up instantly because it was the only protection I've seen in a while. When I opened the chamber to see how many shots I had left though, all six of them had been fired.

Image result for 38. special I looked further down the stairs and saw a ludicrous amount of blood at the bottom. I walked down there trembling with fear, and saw the last thing that I would've expected. There were six people dead, including John. He was dead with a bullet hole in his left temple. Before I could react to anything, I hear a loud crack upstairs and seconds later I see multiple cops pointing their guns at me and yelling to drop the gun. At that moment I realized what John did. He made it look as though I shot all of them. As the cops took me to jail all I wanted to know was why, why me? I got the best lawyer I could find, but it pretty much just became a waste of his time. I guess while I was knocked out, John put my fingerprints everywhere that he needed to. Everyone thought that I was insane saying that I haven't killed anyone in my life The jury found me guilty and I was sentenced to life for the murder of six people. While there were suspicions about John, the cops couldn't find any hard evidence for the murder of those other people. Now days, I just sit here, thinking what would've happened if I had done something different. What if I didn't go anywhere near the gunshot? What if I didn't pick up the gun? So many what ifs to think about but that's all I can do is think. Will the small town of Buena Vista ever get over what happened here? Will they ever find out who the real killer was? I hope so.

Thursday, January 7, 2016